01. Introduction

C++ Memory MGMT 01 Introduction A01 Course Intro


C++ is a language with no garbage collection which means that the developer needs to be cautious and aware of memory allocations and usage at all times. Knowing how to work with memory in C++ gives a developer a great advantage when it comes to optimization and we all know that's why we love C++. It enables us to write programs that are fast and it lets us interfere with all of the various parts of system, even with other processes and OS itself.
In this course we will take a look at:

  • What types of memory are there and how to use them
  • What are the pros and cons of each type
  • What are the use cases for each type

We will then dive into scopes within the C++ and how they relate to memory management. These lessons will give you an advantage in writing and understanding good code and unlocking the power of C++.